Category Archives: community services

Miracle on Atlee Road

8154 Atlee Rd

As Thanksgiving approaches, I find a favorite movie has begun playing on television over and over again, Miracle on 34th Street. This year, I have been reminded that miracles can happen over and over again in real life as well – whenever people choose to love one another as Jesus asked.

This past All Saints Sunday, I was given permission to share a sacred story. It was a tale of a suffering saint, not from long ago, but of one in our midst. Our sister in Christ, Rachel[i], a long-time member of our congregation, a baptized and believing child of God, was in desperate need. She was alone, fighting mental illness, and at risk of becoming homeless.

Rachel is well known to many if not all in our congregation. She has been a congregational member since the 1990s, although she has attended on and off since that time. Of late, she has especially stood out. Visibly, she has grown weaker and distant. Flowing conversations have become more and more difficult. Recently, one might only be answered with a short phrase or a single word. Due to medical issues, she is often seen getting up and down during our worship – going outside the sanctuary to the rest room or for water – and then returning. To be frank, her demeanor, appearance and behaviors could easily put one off or prove annoying.

This situation is sadly not unusual. She shares a story with many who are without family and suffering from mental illness. It is a story that began perhaps before birth, as her mother is said to have suffered from both mental illness and addiction. (Such issues are believed by some to often be partly genetic.) Yet, Rachel also reportedly suffered severe abuse in her original home from others who should have loved her. It is quite a testimony to her tenacity and gifts that she escaped that environment to become a valued employee where she worked and love a family of her own.

Still like many with similar histories, married life proved a challenge. When her husband allegedly became abusive, she decided to divorce him and start again. Unfortunately, he was able to use her mental condition and lack of financial means against her. She lost her children to his custody, and the now adult children – seemingly not understanding mental illness nor family systems – continue to blame her for the dissolution of their family. There is no meaningful contact or support.

Although she had tried hard to provide for herself and for her children, life seemed to work against her as new problems and challenges arouse time and time again. With this, her mental illness seemingly began to take control of her life. She had lost family, and she now lost friends. She eventually lost her job. Initially, a neighboring family tried to help her, but they, too, ran into problems of their own in the difficult economy. They couldn’t help her any longer.

All along, members of our congregation were walking beside Rachel. Certainly, I offered pastoral care and counseling. On top of that (if not more importantly), she received help with food, shelter, and rides. People tried to be patient with her and relate to her; always welcoming her into our assembly. Several sought to be like family to her inviting her to share in holidays and celebrations in their home. Despite our congregation’s current financial challenges[ii] and being a relatively small congregation[iii] for our area, our council managed to quietly pay for her room for several months while she was staying with her neighbors. We also provided assistance with necessities. Our president captured the council’s collective feeling when he said, “She’s been our sister in Christ when it was easy and times were good. We can’t pretend she isn’t our sister now when it is hard. We need to help her.”

Indeed, Rachel is not her mental illness. She is the person who always volunteers to help others, especially children. She heard of a need for children’s sandals and shoes overseas from a veteran she knew, so she initiated a collection through our church. Hundreds of youth in Afghanistan benefited. She is always ready to help us with property needs, vacation bible school, or mission work despite her current limitations. She is one who walks miles to join us for worship or events if she cannot get a ride. She insists on donating money for our shared ministry even when she has little and is told to use it for her own needs. As another person who knew her well said, “Some people love this church, but Rachel LOVES this church. It is her family.” Rachel is our sister, Christ’s sheep, and remains a beloved part of our family of faith.

As with family, Rachel had given the local social services permission to cooperate with me in meeting her needs, but we were confounded as to what could be done when Rachel finally became homeless. The local county only had funds for short-term housing (2 weeks), and our congregation struggled to find the money to pay the discounted rent with her neighbors never mind at a hotel or apartment. It appeared Rachel would be moved into the sometimes rough Richmond homeless shelter system. This put her at further risk of being far removed from her church family, being set back and delayed in her disability claim, and starting anew with a different social worker in an overtaxed, urban environment.

As I pondered this situation, I recognized the great challenge before us to get the money we would initially need to care for Rachel – $2500 for the first few months of housing using the county’s vendor. It was the safest place, easiest transition, and best rate we could hope for, and yet we don’t have that kind of money lying around. As I prayed about it, it struck me that perhaps I was looking at this problem the wrong way. Yes, it is an enormous problem in many respects, but what if we just tried to address the need bit by bit, step by step, and day by day? We could have a special appeal in our church and ask friends in the greater community to help Rachel. If we just looked for fifty people to offer fifty dollars (about the cost of a family eating out in many cases or to attend a family outing), that could cover the initial need. For those who couldn’t give, they would be asked to pray, help Rachel in concrete ways when possible, and welcome her in our assembly.

Symbolically, fifty is a number of freedom and new life, and that is what we want for Rachel. Leviticus 25 describes a Year of Jubilee when debts were to be forgiven, forced servitude was ended, and people began fresh. We now had a chance to help free one of our own sisters in faith – just 50 people and $50 at a time. We would call it our 50 X 50 Campaign, multiplying the love we ourselves had received as individuals from Christ and assuring Rachel that she is not alone.

Announcing this at worship on All Saints Sunday, I was nervous as to how the congregation would respond. I was heavy in my heart because I knew well what was at stake. In past police, hospice care, and mission work with at risk youth in South Dakota, I carried too many memories of those who didn’t make it through such times. Yet our hope is in a God of steadfast love. It is a love of miraculous, healing power that often works through the lives of ordinary people in unexpected ways.

So, I took the risk and made the appeal trusting that “all things work for the good of those that love God,” and God answered through his Holy People. Despite our attendance being lower than average that morning[iv], over $4000 was raised to help Rachel. We have never collected that much money in any appeal that fast before, and I dare say, never for anything as important. Since then, money is still coming in. In a world where too many people wonder if anyone could love them as they are, Jesus spoke love to Rachel that morning. Through us, he is still speaking.

Over the past few weeks in worship, we heard once again about the Beatitudes and how we should love one another. We were urged that we should be patient with and support the weak. We were reminded – both Roman Catholic and Protestant Christians alike – that saints are needed for earth and not just for heaven. I can’t say how this particular sacred story about Rachel will end in the immediate future, but I know Jesus and his people are in it for the duration. We have to be, because that’s exactly the way Jesus asks it to be.

As church, we should never focus on how weak we are or the size of any challenge ahead of us. We just need to seek to love, and Jesus will do the rest. Thus, we are told that we can rejoice and do all things through Christ who strengthens us – even miracles – one relationship at a time…even from a small, old building on Atlee Road.


As Rachel’s needs are long-term and many others’ suffer as she does, donations are still being accepted for our benevolence and charitable work. If you would like to help, please send your tax deductible donation (noting “50 X 50” on the memo line) to:

Messiah Lutheran Church and School
8154 Atlee Rd.
Mechanicsville, VA 23111

In hindsight, the above story is reminiscent of this song. Originally written at the time of the recent “Great Recession”, it reminds us all to love one another and boldly be ambassadors for Christ. We are never truly alone (Matt. 28:20)! Enjoy…

[i] For the sake of this public message, the woman’s name has been changed to provide for some privacy. It is a story shared with permission.

[ii] Although our financial situation has improved these past few years, it is still not unusual for us to struggle just to pay bills some months.

[iii] Messiah’s average attendance is about 95 with a bit over 200 members.

[iv] Attendance was in the mid-80s on November 3, 2013.

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Filed under community services, Grace, Ministry, Pastoral Letter, saints, social justice

Faithful responses to emergency

Boston Marathon bombing aftermath

Boston Marathon bombing aftermath

Although not traditional first responders, pastors and other ministry leaders prove an integral part of the response to any emergency. What they choose to do or not do impacts the entire community as people seek to deal with the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aftermath. I hope pastors, other ministers and church leaders might consider and discuss the following points for their benefit and the benefit of those they serve.

When it comes to facing evil, sin and death, I don’t think anyone can ever be an expert. The context of any situation and the needs of those affected vary. Our own resiliency and competencies change. I don’t think there can be a single, perfect response when we and our world are so imperfect.

The following comments are not meant to reflect expertise or suggest a perfect response, but they do reflect some things I have learned along my way as a former police officer and hospice chaplain. Currently, I serve as a volunteer law enforcement chaplain,[i] yet I am still learning. At the same time, I desire to learn from your comments and feedback based upon your own experiences and training. Please share them privately with me or in the comments section below.

Regarding unexpected emergencies and disasters:

1. Stay calm and listen: Listen to local media for instructions from emergency officials. As you listen, recognize that there exists a great deal of confusion. As the media and individual politicians seek to get information out quickly, the result is often many false reports and much bad information. Not unlike gossip, avoid passing this on or instinctually reacting to it as if true. Wait for official statements of first responders, disaster organizations, and government officials actually in charge of rescue operations and response. Even though these too can err, they remain your best sources for information to inform your own response and pass on. Try to listen to or watch any and all official press conferences. Prior to emergencies, consider following your local first responders, aid organizations, and local government, state and federal entities (especially departments of emergency management at the county and state level) on Twitter and Facebook. If they offer texts in emergencies, sign up for that service.

2. Observe and report: Before, during, and after an unexpected emergency don’t call 911 unless an emergency. Store your local first responder’s non-emergency numbers in your cell phone and address books prior to your need for them. These can be used in cases where there is no immediate or confirmed threat, leaving emergency lines open for those who really need them. Report all suspicious activity, as any info can be helpful. Let those in charge decide what is important. If community truly is a response to a common call, we must all seek to serve and protect those entrusted to us, our neighbors.

3. Avoid phone use in and to affected areas. Don’t overload the system with needless calls. No matter how concerned you are for a loved one, your call may inhibit first responder’s response to those in need and their use of communication assets. (In Boston, the media suggested officials had turned off cell service. It is more likely local service was overwhelmed as with past terrorist activity.) Remember also, cellular signals can inadvertently cause detonations of explosive devices and fumes. If you are in the immediate area of the emergency, follow the directions of emergency personal. Wait on calls until in a safe place or longer if possible. Even once in a safe place, Twitter and Facebook might be the best way to communicate. You might reach many more people at once.

After a recent earthquake, people could not reach our preschool as phone systems were overwhelmed. Through Twitter (including an automatic feed to our website) and Facebook, we were able to advise that everyone was safe, thus removing the need for calls to our location. After a hurricane, we were able to easily pass on information about emergency services and resources (such as ice, food and water) to those without regular phone service or power. Most people were still connected to the internet and social media through charging mobile phones in their cars.

4. Stay in a safe place. Don’t clog roads with needless travel or get in way of first responders. If they or aid agencies need help, they will ask for it. They will direct you to a staging area or advise of materials needed and collection points. Even in weather emergencies, don’t assume because you can get to your church people should be on the roads. Emergency responders and utilities will be slowed and unnecessarily taxed by accidents resulting from people thinking the roads are safe when they aren’t. Signals out at intersections can be as dangerous as downed trees, power lines and flooding. PLEASE follow the directives of your local and state governments. If they ask people to stay off the roads, don’t hold services or events. More traffic means more risk for emergency responders, transportation employees, and utility workers. Traffic related accidents is among the biggest killer for these publiuc servants. Sadly, businesses tend to ignore such directives, but I think they do so selfishly. Faith communities should and can do better.

5. Pray, comment and act wisely. As leaders in the community, the concept of being a non-anxious presence remains valid. While recognizing your own emotions and limits, it will not be the best time to share them openly and unfiltered on Facebook, Twitter or in person. Again, don’t add to the gossip and sharing of bad information. People will react to your own modeling of behaviors and attitudes, so seek to be prudent, loving and faithful.

If responding to an act of violence or terror, it is biblically sound to speak of the need to avoid scapegoating. Yet in speaking of love, peace, reconcilliation and forgiveness, let’s not forget the great challenges of those who might be called to a vocation where they must manage and use violence. They do so in order to serve and protect others. At their best, they are seeking to establish Christ’s justice and peace in the world, defend and protect the week, and love their neighbor – even their enemies at times. Choose your words wisely.

Unless you consider the Christian call one of pure pacifism, or you feel pacisifism a higher call, I would argue theirs can and should be deemed a holy vocation. Speaking solely of turning the other cheek and ignoring the real needs of police and others tasked to defend us serves to isolate them and can add to their immediate and long-term burden. As well, families and friends of victims might not be able to see past their anger yet, and anger can indeed be a justified, healthy response as long as we don’t get stuck in it or sin in our anger. Inadvertently, our words can wound their spirit and have long term, unintended consequnces upon recovery. I suggest that as we pray for love and forgiveness we might also pray for God’s justice and peace be achieved by those called to that task in our fallen world[ii]. We all need guidance in how to respond to and deal with such events. Let’s not forget the military, first responders, and victim families and the emotional, ethical turmoil they face.

Running down to the place of the emergency might be your gut instinct, but consider that you might get in the way or put yourself needlessly at risk. As you were likely urged a sa child, “Walk, don’t run.” You might not know all the threats and hurried responses can turn into accidents and error. Try to contact those in charge of a response before you act and seek their direction. (This might require your patience until things are under better control.)

In seeking to respond to the emergency, not everyone need put themselves in danger. Those outside the immediate area affected need ministry too. As Martin Luther suggested in Whether one may flee from a deadly plague (1527)[iii], don’t be too quick to become a martyr (or, I would add, a person in need of rescue). Considering individual gifts and the availability of others should impact any decision about who and how many should respond to any event. Again, listen to local authorities. Making preparations beforehand through emergency responders, relief agencies, and local ministeriums will prove helpful. As a volunteer fire-fighter (and pastor) told me, don’t be a hero. Instead, seek to work as a team rather than as a lone wolf. It will tend to make everyone safer.

6. Seek to be prepared. Before any emergency, I suggest you receive training and familiarize yourself with assets and their procedures beforehand. Volunteer for citizen police academies. Participate in emergency drills offered by fire and rescue. Train all staff in first aid and CPR. Connect with and get training from nonprofits and government entities that respond to emergencies before incidents happen. Join the other faith communities in FEMA’s National Preparedness Coalition: Make emergency plans for your institution. Examples are widely available from government and non-government entitities on the web. Along with joining FEMA’s National Preparedness Coalition, some churches and faith-based organizations might benefit from contacting the FEMA Voluntary Agency and Donations Coordination Section. Let others know about the American Red Cross’ Safe and Well Program and other nonprofit or government offerings to help prepare for and deal with disasters.

7. Do not be afraid. Yes, fear is a normal, God-given human response to help preserve life, but we shouldn’t let it be the primary control of our response no more than anger. Despite fear, sometimes we are called to act in love.

The world can be a dangerous place and people can prove frightening. As a police officer, I learned the hard way that despite all the evil I saw in person and in the often disproportionate media reporting, God was, is and will be still at work for our welfare – often through ordinary people with little fanfare. I needed to keep my eyes and heart open to those signs of hope, or I would become what I hated. Even during emergencies, striving for self-care to the best of your abilities will help us be open to the work of God before us and around us. Be honest about our limitations. Admit if you need help. Such behaviors will help us love others better in the long run and see God and the world more clearly.

When God seems hidden, it is all the more reason to hold on to Christ’s promises. He is there in the chaos! Let us cast all our cares upon Christ[iv] and seek to do whatever we as individuals and a community are called to do. Jesus is with us, and we might be in this place, time and circumstance so that he can be glorified through us. His body, the church, needs to be present at exactly such scary, dangerous times. As I headed out each night for duty, I chose to intentionally remember the promises of Romans 8; nothing not even death will separate us from the love of God[v]. More than comfort, it strengthened me for the shift ahead.

In the face of evil, sin and death, we need only seek to respond in faith, hope and love to the best of our imperfect abilities. Beyond that, Jesus has our back. So as Elliott Ness said in The Untouchables, “Alright now, let’s do some good.”[vi] No matter the odds against us, love will win the day. Do not be afraid. Act wisely in faith, hope and love.

In Virginia, consider following these agencies on Twitter, find them on Facebook and the web:
Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA)  @fema
Centers for Disease Control @CDCemergency, @CDCgov and more
Virginia Department of Emergency Management @VDEM
Your local Red Cross, for example @RedCrossRVA
Virginia Department of Health @MyVDH
Virginia Department of Transportation @VaDOT
Official local, state, and federal exective branch leadership & agencies
Local, state, and federal law enforcement serving your area
Public utilities serving your area
Your denominational or other faith tradition resources for disaster response

[ii] You might like to read Martin Luther’s pamphlet, On whether soldiers too can be saved? As a police officer, I found it helpful in dealing with the evil I faced and shaping how I should respond.

[vi] The Untouchables (1987). Paramount.


Unless otherwise indicated, all scripture quotations for this article are from the New Revised Standard Version.

© 2013 The Rev. Louis Florio. All content not held under another’s copyright may not be used without permission of the author.

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Filed under Community Life, community services, Law Enforcement, Theology